Presentation: Leading with Passion and Perseverance: Cultivating Women Leaders
Presenter: Narketta Sparkman-Key, PhD , Academic Affairs Director of Faculty Diversity and Retention/Associate Professor of Human Services
This learning short focuses on the current state of women leaders in academia providing for universities to cultivate women leaders as well as strategies for women to take ownership of their leadership journey. This learning short is supported by a recent Op-Ed published in the Virginian Pilot by the presenter Dr. Sparkman-Key. It provides context on the barriers to leaderships as well as the opportunities to overcome these barriers. The article can be found here.
Ernestine A.W. Duncan, Ph.D.
Norfolk State University
Learning Shorts
Khadijah O. Miller, Ph.D.
Norfolk State University
R.O.A.R: Realizing Opportunities & Acknowledging Resiliency
Presented by: Dr Denelle Wallace, Associate Dean, School of Education,
Produced by: Dr Felicia Mebane, Executive Director, School of Graduate Studies & Research,
This Learning Short will be all about resilience, looking at how to develop resilience, identifying some key elements of resiliency, looking at your passion and providing you with an opportunity to think about some of the tools that we suggest to develop your resiliency and move forward towards your vision.
Karen Y. Holmes, Ph.D.
Norfolk State University
National Organizations
American Council on Education
ACE Inclusive Excellence Group
American Association of University Women
Other State Networks of ACE Office of Women in Higher Education
Individual State Networks
Professional Development Programs
Harvard Graduate School of Education: Professional Development for Educational Leaders
Grace E. Harris Leadership Institute - Virginia Commonwealth University
Higher Education Resource Services -Management Institute for Women in Higher Education
Women's Senior Leadership Program, Kellogg School of Management
Women in Higher Education
Search Firms - a meta-collection of Internet resources that have been gathered for the academic job hunter. It includes links to faculty, staff,
and administrative announcements and is not restricted to teaching positions.
Becoming: Womanist Perspectives of Leadership
In 2018, Michelle Obama published her memoir, Becoming, sharing her experiences. Framed in a Black Womanist theoretical perspective, four middle-manager leaders share their “becoming” stories as leaders. Several salient themes emerge: Leadership within a womanist framework, transformative leadership, growth through waiting, and work-life-balance. This leadership short fosters a rich discussion of our distinct leadership journeys and styles, offering strategies and lessons learned that can be applied broadly in higher education leadership.