In 1977, the Office of Women in Higher Education of the American Council on Education, now known as the Inclusive Excellence Group, began the National Identification Program for the advancement of women in higher education. Initially, the primary purpose of the National Identification Program was to identify and promote the advancement of women in higher education, especially women of color and those who have not participated in the past. Much of the attention was on identifying women for roles as college president, which is a major interest of the American Council on Education.
The program began in the twelve states with the largest number of institutions and students; it now operates in all fifty states, plus New York City, Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico. A central objective of the national program is to strengthen the state and national networks that have been established. To accomplish this goal, forums and other programs are held in the states.
Virginia became one of the original affiliates, naming itself the Virginia Identification Program (VIP). Thus there is a long history of activity and commitment in the Commonwealth. Virginia is also one of the few states with a history of continuous involvement since other state networks have waxed and waned over the years.
In 1995 the name of the national program was changed to the ACE/National Network of Women Leaders (NNWL), and the program was revised to reflect an expanded role that had developed over the years as the national, regional, and state networks evolved. The changes underscored the program's commitment to crafting an educational, social and political climate in which the worldwide voices and values of women, in all their diversity and richness, are heard and included in efforts to shape the public agenda. Virginia followed suit and briefly became the Virginia Network for Women Leaders (VNWL).
During the early part of 1999, a decision was made at the national level to change the name again, this time to The Network of the American Council on Education, Office of Women in Higher Education. The Virginia affiliate of the national program is now called The Virginia Network of the American Council on Education's Women's Network.
Inaugural State Planning Committee
Stephanie Bennett, University of Richmond
Annette Gibbs, University of Virginia
Ila Martin, Virginia Commonwealth University
Jacquelyn Madry-Taylor, Northern Virginia Community College
Alice Mandanis, Marymount University
Dorothy M. Mulberry, Mary Baldwin College
Carolyn Pulley, Tidewater Community College
Jean Walker (Emma Jean Schulken), Virginia Highlands Community College
Ethelyn R. Strong, Norfolk State College (now University)
Sandra Sullivan (State Coordinator), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (now Virginia Tech)
State Chairs
Dates Name Institution
1978-1981 Sandra Sullivan Virginia Tech
1981-1983 Jacquelyn Madry-Taylor Northern Virginia Community College
1981-1984 Stephanie Bennett University of Richmond
1983-1987 Jean Netherton Northern Virginia Community College (Alexandria Campus)
1987-1992 Teresa Gonzalez James Madison University
1991-1994 Sybil Todd University of Virginia
1994-1997 Joyce Williams-Green Virginia Tech
1994-1998 Norrine Bailey-Spencer Virginia Tech
1998-1999 Shirley Glover Old Dominion University
1998-2001 Patsy Joyner Paul D. Camp Community College
2001-2004 Patricia Hyer Virginia Tech
2004-2007 Connie Gores Randolph Macon Woman's College
2006-2008 Loretta Seigley Marymount University
2008-2011 Jeanie Kline University of Mary Washington
2011-2014 Elsie Weatherington Virginia State University
2014-2017 Patty O'Toole Hollins University
2017-2020 Amy Springer Eastern Mennonite University
2020-present Karen Campbell Tidewater Community College
Key Network Activities and Milestones
1977 First Statewide Planning Committee Formed
1980 First State Conference Held at Virginia Commonwealth University
1988 Senior Seminar Inaugurated
1991 Newsletter Goes to Print
1995 Senior Seminar Reunion
2000 Network Website and Database of Members "Go Live"
2001 State Conference Becomes an Annual Event
2002 Newsletter Goes Electronic
2002 Senior Seminar Reunion
2003 First Women of Color Conference at Virginia Union University
2005-2014 Program for Women Executives in Virginia Higher Education (WEVHE)
2006 Virginia Network Receives ACE Network Program Award
2007 Virginia Network Celebrates 30th Anniversary
2008 Norrine Bailey Spencer Scholarship established
2009 Third women of color conference at Virginia State University
2010 Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws Approved, the Virginia Network becomes a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization
Network History